VENUS PENTACLE:    Wear a consecrated Venus Pentacle on a silver chain or a braided necklace of green and red threads as a magickal amulet to bring passion and romance into your life. The Venus Pentacle (which can easily be obtained at most occult supply shops and mail-order catalogues) also works well for those who desire a loving marriage mate.

WISHBONE:    Wear goold wishbone-shaped jewelry (or even an actual turkey or chicken wishbone on a necklace) as an amulet to attract good luck and to make wishes and dreams come true. To bring a new lover into your life, nail a wishbone over the front door of your home on New Years Day, and thrice say: "Lover, come hither!"

WIZARD AMULET:    Wear any type of wizard-shaped jewelry as an amulet for wisdom, strength, and good luck, to help divinatory abilities, and to increase both magickal and psychic powers.

ZODIAC GOOD LUCK GEMSTONES:    Each astrological sign of the zodiac rules one or more gemstone, known as a "birth-charm." These gemstones are used in mojo charm bags or worn as amuletic jewelry to attract good luck and to protect against evil, misfortune, and illness; however, it is considered unlucky to wear a birth-charm belonging to an astrological sign other than your own. The twelve signs of the zodiac and their corresponding good luck gemstones are as follows:

ARIES:   coral and diamond;
TAURUS:   carnelian and emerald;
GEMINI:   agate and alexandrite;
CANCER:   moonstone, pearl, and all white-colored gemstones;
LEO:   amber, ruby, and all yellow or golden-colored gemstones;
VIRGO:   sapphire and sardonyx;
LIBRA:   opal and tourmaline;
SCORPIO:   topaz;
SAGITTARIUS:   turquoise and zircon;
CAPRICORN:   garnet, lapis lazuli, and all black gemstones;
AQUARIUS:   amethyst and jacinth;
PISCES:   aquamarine and bloodstone.

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