The Sabbat is a traditional seasonal holiday celebrating
the "wheel" of birth-death-rebirth, made possible by the sacred union of
the Fertility-Goddess and Her consort, the Horned God.

A total of eight different Sabbats (four major and four minor) are
celebrated by Wiccan covens and solitaries during the course of the year.

All Sabbats are times to celebrate Nature, dance, sing, feast, and pay homage
to the old Pagan gods; however each Sabbat has it's own traditional
herbs, incense, candle colors, gemstones, and so on.

I've put together a seperate page for each Sabbat, giving the candle color
traditional foods, alter decorations, traditional herbs, incense, gemstones and so on.

They are as follows:


The Four Major Sabbats

Imbolc: (also known as Candelmas) celebrated on February 2
Beltane: (also known as May Day) celebrated on May Eve and May 1
Lammas: (also known as Lughnasadh) celebrated on August 1
Samhain: (also know as Halloween, All Hallows Eve) celebrated on October 31


The Four Minor Sabbats

Spring Equinox:(also known as Ostara) celebrated on the first day of Spring
Summer Solstice:(also known as Midsummer) celebrated on the first day of summer
Autumn Equinox:(also known as the Fall Sabbat) celebrated on the first day of Fall
Winter Solstice: (also known as Yule) celebrated on the first day of Winter


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