Once again day and night and male and female
are equal. The Autumn Equinox is the time of second harvests, of
balancing the accounts of life, and preparing for the winter.

Traditional Foods

Corn and wheat products, breads, nuts, vegetables, apples, roots
(carrots, onions, potatoes, etc.), cider and pomegranates


Traditional Ritual Herbs

acorns, asters, benzoin, fern, honeysuckle, marigold, milkweed,
mums, myrrh, oak leaves, passionflower, pine, roses, sage, Solomon's seal
and thistles


Altar Decorations

acorns, pinecones, autumn leaves, a pomegranate to symbolize Persephone's
decent into the Underworld, a small statue or figure to represent
the Triple Goddess in Her Mother aspect



benzoin, myrrh, sage



carnelian, lapis, lazuli, sapphire, yellow agate


Candle Colors

orange, dark red, yellow, indigo, brown


Ritual Potpourri

45 drops honeysuckle oil
1 cup oak moss
6 small acorns 2 cups dried oak leaves
2 cups dried honeysuckle
1 cup dried pasionflower
1 cup dried rosebuds and petals
1/2 cup dried pine needles 1 tablespoon sage

Mix the honeysuckle oil with the oak moss, and then add
the remaining ingredients. Stir the potpourri well and
store in a tightly covered, ceramic or glass container


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