Samhain marks the third and final harvest, and the
storage of provisions for the winter.
The veil between the worlds of the living and the dead
is at it's thinnest of the year, making communication easier.
The souls of the dead come into the land of the living.

Samhain is a time for taking inventory of life and getting rid
of weeknesses and what is no longer desired..

Traditional Foods

Apples, pumpkin pie, hazelnuts, Cakes for the Dead, corn,
cranberry muffins and breads, ale, cider and herbal tea (especially mugwart).


Traditional Ritual Herbs

acorns, apples, broom, deadly nightshade, dittany, ferns, flax
heather, mandrake, oak leaves, sage, and straw.


Altar Decorations

a jack-o'-lantern, apples, candles in the shapes of Witches, ghosts
black cats, skulls, photos of deceased loved ones, tools of divination
a small statue or figure representing the Triple Goddess in Her Crone aspect.



apple, heliotrope, cedar, pine, and rosemary



all black gemstones, especially jet, obsidian, and onyx.


Candle Colors

black, orange


Ritual Potpourri

45 drops patchouli oil
1 cup oak moss
2 cups dried apple blossoms
2 cups dried heather flowers
1 cup dried and chopped apple peal
1 cup dried pumpkin seeds
1/2 cup dried and chopped mandrake root

Mix the patchouli oil with the oak moss, and then add
the remaining ingredients. Stir the potpourri well and
store in a tightly covered, ceramic or glass container


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