DEER AMULET:    To increase fertility, place the horns of a deer under your bed or hang them on a wall in your bedroom and rub them for a few minutes before making love with your partner.

DIAMOND:    The diamond is a highly valued gemstone that symbolizes peace, fidelity, innocence, and serenity. It is a powerful good luck charm for all persons born under the astrological sign od Aries. When worn as amuletic jewelry, it prevents nightmares, prevents sleeping women from incubi, balances both positive and negative energies, and brings confidence, divine wisdom, and consciousness.

DOG AMULET:    To keep all malicious persons or evil persons and spirits from gaining entrance to your home, bury five dog-shaped amulets on each side of your house.

DOLPHIN:    For protection against accidents when traveling by ship, wear or carry an amulet shaped like or bearing the image of a dolphin.

DONKEY AMULET:    Carry or wear a donkey-shaped amulet when you are in need of extra special good luck. The figure of a donkey, when engraved on chrysolite and worn around the neck on a gold chain, will increase the wearer's psychic powers of prediction.

DOVE AMULET:    To bring peace into your home or workplace, wear a dove-shaped amulet on a chain around your neck. The symbol of the turtle dove protects the wearer against death, fire, and lightning. The dove is a bird sacred to Ishtar, Aphrodite, and other goddesses of love and fertility.

EAGLE AMULET:    The eagle symbolizes swiftness and is a sacred bird of the Greek god Zeus. An eagle feather or an amulet in the shape of an eagle is said to protect people and structures against lightning.

ELK TOOTH:    Wear or carry in your pocket or charm bag the tooth of an elk as a powerful amulet to dispel negativity and attract good luck into your life.

EMERALD:    The emerald is a symbol of peace, love, and eternal life. When worn or carried as an amulet, it strengthens love, intelligence, eloquence, and popularity; and it was once believed that emerald charms worn by pregnant women could offer them protection against miscarriages.

FAIRY AMULET:    Wear any type of fairy-shaped jewelry as an amulet to increase magickal powers, enhance all enchantments and bewitchments, attract fairy-folk, and put your spirit in harmony with Mother Nature.

FISH AMULET:    An amulet shaped like a pair of fish and made of gold or mother-of-pearl will increase fertility and virility, bring prosperity, and offer you protection from people who might hate you or have evil intentions. For persons born under the astrological sign of Pisces, the fish is an especially powerful good luck amulet.

FLUORITE:    Fluorite is a gemstone that increases psychic awareness and cosmic understanding when placed over the Third Eye chakra during meditative rituals.

FOUR LEAF CLOVER:    Good fortune will smile on you if you carry a four-leaf clover, or if you wear a pin, ring, or pendant shaped like one. The four-leaf clover (a highly magickal plant and a powerful amulet of Irish origin) is believed to be the most powerful of all natural amulets, and is especially favorable for persons born under the astrological signs of Cancer and Pisces.

FOX AMULET:    Wear or carry an amulet bearing the image of a fox for prosperity or to aid in the development of shape-shifting powers.

FROG AMULET:    To promote friendship or reconcile enemies, engrave the image of a frog on a piece of beryl and carry it near your heart or wear it as a necklace. A frog amulet is also good for increasing fertility and virility.

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