GARLIC:    Garlic is one of the oldest and most famous of natural protection amulets used throughout the world in a variety of ways to keep away vampires, sorcerers, demonic spirits, and all forms of evil. It is also used by many Witches and Shamans as a healing amulet. Garlic is said to be ruled by Mars and under the influence of Aries and Scorpio.

GARNET:    Also known as the "Passion Stone", the garnet is a balancer of the yin/yang energies. It increases phychic sensitivity and sexual energy. Garnet is an ideal gemstone to use during meditative rituals, and it can be worn as an amuletic jewelry to attract sexual love and soul mates. When placed under a pillow or worn while sleeping, it wards off bad dreams and evil spirits of the night. A garnet ingraved with the symbol of a lion is a powerful amulet for attracting good health and success. It also portect the wearer from all dangers while traveling. To attract a lover, wear a heart-shaped amulet in a red velvet charm bag over your heart. (Be sure to anoint it every Friday night with three drops of rose or patchouli oil.)

GOAT AMULET:    The symbol of the goat (sacred to Aphrodite and the Horned God) increases fertility when worn or carried as an amulet, and is especially favorable as a good-luck charm for persons born under the astrological sign of Capricorn. The image of two goats engraved on an onyx is said to give a magician the power to summon and control spirits.

HEDGEHOG AMULET:    In Morocco, it is believed that the destructive power of the evil eye cannot harm a child who wears the jawbone of a hedgehog on a necklace.

HEMATITE:    Hematite was a sacred stone used by the warriors of ancient Rome and Greece as an amulet to protect wounds, and to increase courage on the battlefield.

HORN:    The gold horn is a popular necklace-charm worn by Italians as an amulet against the evil eye. When worn by a man, the horn (anancient and obvious phallic symbol) increases sex appeal and promotes male virility. Compare PHALLUS.

HORSESHOE:    The horseshoe is a well-known good luck symbol in many parts of the world. According to superstition, nail an iron horseshoe over your door with the convex side pointing up for protection against sorcery, bad luck, and the evil eye. For good luck, nail it over your door with the convex side pointing down. Wear any type of horseshoe-shaped jewelry or carry miniature horseshoe charms in a mojo charm bag to promote fertility, guard against evil, and attract good luck.

HYACINTH:    The hyacinth is a transparent red, brown, or orange variety of zircon. Wear a hyacinth gemstone on a necklace or mounted in a ring to ease the pain of childbirth. The amuletic powers of hyacinth can also be used for protection against negative supernatural forces.

INDIAN HEAD:    For protection against all negative influences and evil spirits, wear an Indian-head coin on a chain around your neck or carry one in a purse, pocket, or mojo charm bag.

IRON PROTECTION AMULET:    To protect yourself against all malevolent supernatural beings, wear an iron bracelet or sleep with a piece of iron under your bed.

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