JACK AMULET:    A "jack" is a powerful amulet used by practitioners of folk magick in the southern regions of the United States (especially Mississippi). It consists of a piece of red flannel shaped like a human finger and stuffed with coal dust and dirt, and contains a silver dime. After being charged with magickal power by an incantation invoking the presence and help of the old gods, a jack amulet can be worn or carried to prevent a traverler from losing his or her way.

JACINTH:    Jacinth aids asral projection and increases psychic powers. It is often worn or carried as an amulet for the attainment of honor, prudence, and wisdom. It is also reputed to protect against poisonings, lightning, injuries and wounds. Wear a jacinth ring to dispel all evil, or place a jacinth amulet over the navel during delivery to help ease the pains of childbirth. In Italy, jacinth is used as the birthstone for persons born in the month of January.

JADE:    Jade is a magickal gemstone sacred to the Chinese goddess of healing and mercy. It is the symbol of tranquillity and wisdom. It is said to possess yang (the vital masculine principle), and in China, it was believed to impart immortality. When worn as amuletic jewelry, jade prevents nightmares, heals many diseases, and prolongs life. Wear a jade butterfly as an amulet to attract love and good luck.

JASPER:    Jasper is an energizing gemstone that strengthens the intellect when worn as an amulet with certain Cabalistic inscriptions. It is sacred to the goddess Isis, and is used by many to counteract the power of the evil eye, ease the pain of childbirth, and protect against wounds and hemorrhanges. Green jasper repels ghosts, helps reduce fevers, and wards off bites of serpents. Black jasper is used by farmers in Italy as an amulet against lightning.

JET:    Jet is a dense velvet-black coal that takes a high polish and is used as jewelry (especially woman's mourning jewelry). It is often called the "Exorcism Stone" and is ruled by the planet Saturn. Carry an amulet of jet in your pocket, purse, or charm bag to protect yourself against the evil eye and to ward off all demonic forces.

LAMB AMULET:    To increase fertility or to fill your home with peace, use an amulet in the shape of a lamb (the symbol of fertility and peace.)

LAPIS LAZULI:    Lapis lazuli is a powerful love-drawing gemstone dedicated to the goddesses Aphrodite, Venus, and Isis. It aids in meditation and psychic development when placed over the Thrid Eye chakra. It is frequently used by Witches in love spells and as amulets against negative influeces and malevolent supernatural forces. Lapis lazuli is also a powerful good luck charmn when worn by persons born under the astrological sign of Capricorn.

LEPRECHAUN AMULET:    The leprechaun is the most famous of all magickal creatures in Irish folklore. Wear any type of leprechaun-shaped jewelry as an amulet for good luck and wealth. The leprechaun amulet is especially lucky for those who are Irish.

LIGHTNING BOLT:    Wear a circular sterling silver pendant with a lightning-bolt symbol painted or engraved on it as an amulet to awaken or increase your spellcasting powers.

LIGHTNING PROTECTION AMULET:    To protect yourself from being struck by lightning, according to an old book of Witchcraft and Wizardry, dig up a small black coal from under a mugwort plant at either noon or midnight on the Summer Solstice and carry it with you in a pocket, purse, or charm bag as a powerful protective amulet.

LION AMULET:    Wearing lion-shaped jewelry will help to cure shyness, overcome enemies, protect you against danger while traveling, and strengthen your emotions. When engraved on a garnet, the symbol of the lion brings good health and success to the wearer; and when imaged on ajasper, it is said to cure fevers and guard against all poisons. A lion amulet brings exceptional good luck to all persona born under the astrological of Leo.

LODESTONE:    Lodestones are magnetized pieces of magnetite. They have long been used by practitioners of white magic to set up energy fields that block out negative vibrations. In olden times, amulets made from lodestones were worn to guard against snakebites, and it is said that a lodestone placed in the right ear will enable a mortal man or woman to hear the voices of Pagan deities.

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