SAINT CHRISTOPHER MEDALLION:    This is a powerful amulet of protection. Wear it on a necklace or carry it in a purple flannel charm bag for protection against accidents and misfortune while traveling. (Saint Christopher is the patron saint of travelers.)

SAPPHIRE:    Sapphire is a gemstone with many supernatural powers, and is the symbol of harmony and peace. When worn as an amulet, the sapphire brings happiness and contentment, and protects the wearer against misfortune, fraud, the wrath of enemies, violence, the evil eye, sorcery, psychic attack, and accidental death. Place a sapphire over your Third Eye chakra to stimulate your psychic energies or to see into the future. The sapphire brings exceptional good luck to persons born under the astrological sign of Taurus and all who are born in the month of April.

SARDONYX:    When worn or carried as an amulet, the sardonyx stone prevents miscarriages and guards against sorcery. To all persons born under the astrological sign of Leo, it brings love, happiness, good luck, and prosperity.

SCORPION AMULET:    If you were born under the astrological sign of Scorpio, carry or wear a scorpion-shaped amulet to attract good luck, repel all evil and negative forces, and guard against evil.

SHARK AMULET:    The shark symbolizes great strength, and an amulet bearing the image is believed to exert powerful control over and person who comes within its magickal aura. In Hawaii and other parts of the world, it is believed by some that wearing shark's teeth on a necklace will bring good fortune, keep away evil spirits, and protect surfers against accidents and shark attacks.

SKELETON KEY AMULET:    Wear an old skeleton key on a chain around your neck as an amulet to open the doors of opportunity and success, guard against the evil eye, and reple sorcery and all evil spirits.

SKULL AND CROSSBONES:    A symbol of death once used by pirates and more reciently as a warning label on poisons, the skull and crossbones can be used as a powerful amulet to protect the wearer against Voodoo, Hoodoo, and Santeria black magick. It possesses the power to reverse any hex and return the evil to the person who cast upon you. This symbol is also popular among gamblers, as it is believed to keep their good luck from turning bad.

SUN SYMBOL:    Carry or wear a gold charm shaped like the Sun in a gold or yellow colored velvet bag if you wish to aquirw wealth, good health, success and/or fame. This is also an effective amulet to use if you feel others have been causing you trouble. The symbol of the Sun is sacred to all solar deities, and is especially powerful to all persons born under the astrological sign of Leo.

THUNDERBIRD SYMBOL:    Used by Native Americans of the Northwest United States as a weatherworking symbol to attract rain, thunder, and lightning, the thunderbird is a powerful protection amulet and is reputed to bring good luck to gamblers.

TIGER AMULET:    According to ancient Chinese folklore, to attain physical strength, immortality, or the ability to master the supernatural art of shapeshifting, wear a consecrated silver or jade amulet bearing the image of a tiger.

TIKI:    Use a tiki amulet to restore or preserve male sexual potency. The tiki is of Polynesian origin and represents the first man on Earth created from red clay by the god Tane (one of the chief deities of many Polynesian mythologies). The tiki should be carved from nephrite or whalebone and worn on a chain around the neck.

TOPAZ:    Topaz is an energizing gemstone that stimulates the intellect, increases courage, and dispels negativity. Wear any type of topaz jewelry as an amulet to protect against injury or attack. A topaz bracelet worn on the left wrist will keep away evil spirits and all forms of enchantment. Topaz is said to bring happiness, longevity, beauty, intelligence, and good luck when worn by persons born in November.

TURQUOISE:    Turquoise is a mystical gemstone sacred to the Native Americans of the Southwest United States. In the Orient, it is used as a protective charm for horses and their riders. In Mexico, it is a popular amulet for attracting good luck. To protect against evil influences, carry a piece of turquoise in a blue charm bag on a Wednesday. A carved piece of turquoise brings good fortune into a house and is said to possess the power to hypnotize wild animals. Turquoise is often worn as an evil-eye countercharm, carried or worn as an amulet to protect against venomous bites, poison, blindness, assassinations, and accidental deaths. Turquoise absorbs negative feelings and possesses a strong healing vibration.

TURTLE AMULET:    For spiritual protection, compassion, stimulation of creativity, and strengthening of divinatory powers, wear a gold turtle-shaped charm on a chain around your neck as an amulet or carry one in a white mojo charm bag. To promote female fertility, keep a tortoise shell under your bed and rub a bit of mugwort tea or musk oil on the outside of it just before engaging in lovemaking.

UNICORN AMULET:    The unicorn is an ancient symbol of chastity and protection, and it's fabled horn was said to be used in medieval times as an amulet to detect poisons in the food or drinks of kings, queens, pontiffs, and popes. To promote fertility or increase sexual magnetism, wear any type of amuletic jewelry shaped like a unicorn. The symbol of this magnificent mystical creature also pierces the plans of enemies and keeps the wearer safe from all evil forces.

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